How to make a 360-degree video
360-degree video technology can diversify visual content and draw attention to a brand. Panoramic videos not only help in promoting individual products and product lines, but also increase company awareness. This article will tell you how to choose a camera and shoot correctly.
The essence of 360-degree video technology
Previously, for filming 360˚ videos, several cameras were used, which produced circular filming. Then, during the editing, the videos were combined into one video sequence using special scripts to remove external gluing. This method has been replaced by wide-angle cameras with a viewing angle of 250 and 280 degrees. Each one shoots its own side, and the footage is also combined into a panoramic picture.
There are many camera models on the market today with at least two lenses installed. Manufacturers often supply cameras with software for neat installation without visible adhesions.
Who needs panoramic videos
Video 360s will be useful:
— Bloggers. Visually, these videos immerse and engage subscribers in their personal space. It can be used well for any day-to-day task, allowing the audience to get to know each other better.
— Online shopping. Panoramic shooting allows you to better study the product, its external characteristics.
— Event organizers. An overview of a concert, action, performance from the first row will create the effect of immersion in the atmosphere and help to appreciate the smallest details of the work of specialists.
— To travel agencies. The content will demonstrate the beauty of nature from anywhere in the world and will make you want to personally visit the shooting location.
— Museums. Unique antiquities, unusual finds combined with the stylization of the room will attract new visitors.
— For car brands. Video 360˚ will show in detail the features of car operation, their configuration and appearance.
— For realtors. When selling real estate, it is important to visually demonstrate the space of the apartment and the area around it. In addition, a virtual tour of the apartment allows the realtor to answer typical questions from buyers.
— The sphere of education. Companies use panoramic videos when it is impossible to organize the educational process on site. In addition, it significantly saves money on staff travel.